Ninth Annual SRP Sustainability Conference
of American Legal Educators

2024 Conference Schedule

This schedule is subject to changes.

Thursday, May 9

6 – 8 p.m.

Pre-Conference Dinner | Beus Center for Law and Society, room 544

Friday, May 10

Location: Beus Center for Law and Society

8 – 8:30 a.m.

Check-in and light breakfast | W. P. Carey Foundation Armstrong Great Hall

8:30 a.m.

Introductions and Morrison Laureate Address | W. P. Carey Foundation Armstrong Great Hall

Morrison Laureate: Karrigan Bork, UC Davis School of Law

Water Right Exactions, 47 Harvard Env’t Law Rev. 63 (2023)

9:30 – 10:50 a.m.

Breakout Session One 

Room 1 (room 150) – Freestanding Presentations: “Sustainability Policy and the Energy Transition” 

  • Todd Aagard, Reliable Grid Reliability
  • Lincoln Davies, Electricity, Markets, and the Future of the West
  • Sam Kalen, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): Its Past, Present, and Future
  • Adam Orford, A Critical Look at BIL and IRA’s Impact Analysis

Room 2 (room 240) – Freestanding Presentations: “The Sustainability Movement and Property Law”

  • Jessica Owley, How Judicial Obsession with Property Rights Impedes Environmental Protection
  • Kalyani Robbins, Redefining Redevelopment: How Cities Could Use Eminent Domain to Reverse the Harmful Trends of the 20th Century
  • Erin Ryan, Privatization, Public Commons, & the Takingsification of Environmental Law
  • Michael Wolf, Zoning Undone (and Redone): A Thought Experiment

Room 3 (room 250) – Panel: “Natural Resource Systems Thinking” 

  • Karen Bradshaw, Multidimensional Landscapes and the Reformation of Property
  • James Coleman, Energy Connections and Policy Reforms in the Age of Transition
  • Monika Ehrman, Environmental Law Insights through Geology and History
  • Jane Cohen, HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: 2030, 2050, 2070 and the Clashing Epistemologies of the Climate Discourse

11 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.

Breakout Session Two 

Room 1 (room 150) – Freestanding Presentations: “Sustainability and Climate Change”

Room 2 (room 240) – Freestanding Presentations: “Sustainability and International Law”

Room 2 (room 250) – Freestanding Presentations: “Sustainability Law and Natural Resources ”

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch break | W. P. Carey Foundation Armstrong Great Hall

1:40 – 3 p.m.

Breakout Session Three

Room 1 (room 150) – Panel: “Climate and Energy”

Room 2 (room 240) – Freestanding Presentations: “Environmental Justice, Energy Justice, and Climate Justice”

  • Chinonso Anozie, Clean Energy permits under NEPA and Environmental Justice
  • Paolo Farah, Toward a Renewable Energy Transition in Appalachia
  • Jaclyn Lopez, Managed Retreat and Assisted Migration: Prioritizing Climate Resiliency for Marginalized Communities and the Environment

3:10 – 4:30 p.m.

Breakout Session Four

Room 1 (room 150) – Panel: “What is the Relationship Between Law and Social Science?”

Room 2 (room 240) – Freestanding Presentations: “Converting Energy and Environmental Policy into Action”

  • K. DuVivier, Developing NextGen Bar Exam Skills in Energy & Environmental Law
  • Steven Ferrey, The Invisible State/Federal Barrier to Western Transmission Infrastructure
  • Blake Hudson, Resilient Reforestation and Climate Change

5 – 7 p.m.

Presenters Dinner (for presenters and invited guests only)

The Arrogant Butcher
2 E. Jefferson Street #150, Phoenix, AZ 85004